So much to unpack in this one. First of all, thanks a bunch for the shout-out. A Country Doctor is one of the films that ignited our passion for underground animation in the first place, and we've been trying to spread the word ever since. Hearing that you've gotten so much out of it is amazing!

Congratulations on the documentary coming out. What a story -- please keep us updated.

Also, it's so odd to see Robin's name pop up here -- we just discovered his newsletter this week when he linked our issue about Miyazaki's music video. His name didn't ring a bell for us then, but now here it is again. Satoshi Kon once said that he had to follow coincidences in order to work, so this suddenly has our attention!

Lastly, regarding this week's supplement, the new sequence from Chamoe is flowing nicely into the rest of the film. It's still such a privilege to see the solo animation process broken down to this level of granularity, with this level of insight. And that story about the reeds -- terrifying! The ending was a relief to read. Thanks for sharing it!

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Yes, as usual the issue is jam-packed. I keep trying to be more concise but continue to max out on length 😭 Working on it.

Thanks for the kind words on the documentary and Chamoe. And glad you enjoyed the story about the reeds 😂 🎃

So funny about Robin—we don't chat much now but we go way back and used to work together at Twitter many years ago. He's a good one, I love his newsletters too. They're meaty! I feel like so much of my time goes to reading newsletters now haha...but the ones I read are worth the time ❤️

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